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Fairer taxes to make the country more competitive

Oct 06, 2020
Grand Palace Hotel, Pils 12

Becoming more competitive in the region, making taxation fairer and less complicated have been the cornerstones of the proposed tax reform. In the meeting with AmCham members on October 6, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Finance Atis Zakatistovs explained the benefits of upcoming changes in the taxation policy and, particularly, impact on employers' HR costs and employee income. He emphasized the need to lessen the existing tax regimes to make the system fairer. Mr. Zakatistovs engaged in a very frank discussion with members advocating for better expenditure management in the public sector.

To view the presenation of Atis Zakatistovs 

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AmCham and PwC share the same values and targets to achieve socially.

Zlata Elksnina-Zascirinska, Country Managing Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers

AmCham works hard to accomplish its goals and is a voice in the business community that is heard.

Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins