
11 AmChams support Three Seas initiative

Jun 06, 2019

On June 6, 2019 at the 2019 Summit of the Three Seas Initiative in Ljubljana, Slovenia eleven presidents of AmChams have signed their support for better infrastructure, diversified and secure energy sources, and growth of the digital realm. The joint goal of the initiative is to build a more integrated, prosperous, and secure region within a growing Single Market.

The Three Seas Initiative includes the countries located between the Adriatic, the Baltic and the Black Seas: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

The American Chambers of Commerce of these countries stand ready to provide facilitation to clearly define the roles of the key stakeholders, to provide the know-how, and to bring together business, governments and capital, to fully deliver cross-border projects in the fields of technology, trade, transport, energy, digital market and cyber-security.

Ingrida Karina-Berzina, President of AmCham Latvia said: "A stronger integration of the Baltic, Adriatic and Black seas region will contribute to a better connectivity between our countries improving infrastructure, diversifying energy resources and promoting digital growth. AmCham Latvia welcomes the Three Seas Initiative believing it will promote targeted investments in the technological, energy, transport and cyber security projects making the entire region more secure and better connected."

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Abbott Laboratories Baltics


I would highly recommend membership to other professionals looking to expand their business connections.

Gundars Ziemanis, Latvia branch Country Manager, Siemens Healthineers

We are very pleased to be part of AmCham and are looking forward to driving innovation forward in Latvia.

Mikko Fernström, General Manager, Biogen Latvia