
From red tape to red carpet? An overview of the financial landscape for investors

Jul 11

At the start of 2024, AmCham members collected examples of their experiences obtaining financial services in Latvia. This culminated in a paper detailing specific instances where opening bank accounts and other banking interactions proved unnecessarily difficult, and recommendations for improvement were provided.

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Only 1 month remaining to enroll in the MBA Program at RBS

Jul 09

There is still one month left to apply for the internationally prestigious MBA program at the Riga Business School.

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Help 302 foster children receive school supplies

Jul 08

As the school year approaches, the Latvian Foster Family Association is launching their annual charity campaign, “School children must go to school.”

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Stars, stripes and sunshine! Nearly 1000 gather for a festive family picnic
Jun 29

On June 29, nearly 1000 guests gathered at a picnic to celebrate the 248th Anniversary of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. American traditions, food, music, and various activities highlighted the festive family event. The atmosphere of the event sparkled with positive energy as guests were buzzing all day long. Thank you everyone for joining this special occasion!

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Discussing ongoing efforts in the digital and AI policy

Jun 27

On June 27 Digital affairs and AI work group met with Gatis Ozols, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Smart Administration and Regional Development on Digital Transformation Affairs. During the meeting, ongoing efforts in the digital and AI policy and further collaboration were discussed. 

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Would you like a direct air service to the US?

Jun 21

On behalf of Riga Airport, we would like to invite you to participate in a survey exploring the possibility of establishing direct flights from Latvia to the U.S. and attracting U.S. carriers. As many of you are directly engaged in economic relationships between Latvia and the U.S., we would greatly appreciate if you could take a few minutes to complete this short survey!

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Meet our summer intern

Jun 19

This summer, AmCham is happy to host an intern, Philip Blumberg, through the American Latvian Association’s internship program. This program brings Americans of Latvian descent to gain work experience in Latvia while immersing them in the country’s culture. Philip is working for the AmCham office in Riga, assisting with the U.S. Independence Day picnic, communications, and various other projects.

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A fun-filled family brunch at McDonald’s
Jun 19

On June 19 McDonald's invited AmCham members to a delightful family brunch. Members enjoyed delicious meal, networking, and exciting entertainment. In addition to excellent food, children had a chance to experience an educational science show. McDonald’s ensured that the brunch was as fun and engaging as it was tasty. 

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Evaluating healthcare projects and shaping future initiatives
Jun 18

The Healthcare working group met to discuss the progress of the current projects and brainstormed about future initiatives for the second half of 2024 and 2025.

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RMHC Latvija raises €27,500

Jun 17

AmCham members continue to contribute to RMHC Latvija's efforts to help children receive qualified medical services throughout Latvia. EUR 27,500 was the amount collected during the charity golf event "Hockey Charity Party" so that RMHC Latvija could buy a new vehicle for the Children's Mobile Health Care Center. Shoutout to the American Latvian Association, BluOr Bank, Reaton Food, Greco Latvia and many others for your generous support and donations.

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Microsoft Latvia


AmCham is a place to meet representatives of other industries and understand the business environment.

Signe Velina, Market Access Manager Latvia of Johnson & Johnson

Roche Latvija is pleased to be part of the AmCham community.

Rauls Vēliņš, General Manager, Roche Latvija