
AmCham advocacy efforts are driven by its members. Through the working groups and executive meetings, AmCham develops policy positions on issues impacting investment climate.

AmCham policy issues are aligned with AmCham priorities:

  • Fostering trade and investment between Latvia and the United States
  • Improving the business and investment climate in Latvia
  • Strengthening human capital of Latvia

Currently, AmCham focuses on the following policy issues:

  • Digital and AI affairs: exploring the benefits of the digital economy and AI to increase competitiveness, transparency, and innovation 
  • Empower Her: advancing women's economic empowerment and supporting a more inclusive and diverse society
  • Healthcare: promoting value-based healthcare, digital health, and sustainable financing
  • Investment promotion: improving the investment climate and promoting Latvia as an FDI destination
  • Taxation: advocating for a predictable, competitive, and simple tax system that helps maintain existing and increase new investments.
  • Talent & Labor Force: attracting and maintaining talent and getting prepared for the future of wor
  • Overseas Security Advisory Council: identifying security issues and threats through OSAC Riga Council
The AmCham Advocacy Policy provides and communicates recommendations that are grounded in the Chamber's values and correspond to its mission. AmCham, as a policy, does not lobby in the interests of an individual member but strives to ensure an independent and neutral position in any of its advocacy initiatives.
Members are welcome to identify their initiatives through our working groups or by contacting the Executive Director at:


Siemens Healthcare OY Latvia branch


I would highly recommend membership to other professionals looking to expand their business connections.

Gundars Ziemanis, Latvia branch Country Manager, Siemens Healthineers

I look forward to promoting stronger U.S.-Latvia ties and working with AmCham members to ensure Latvia is a trusted destination for international business.

John Tully, Chairman of the Board of MikroTik