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AmCham marks U.S. Independence Day with drive-in cinema

Jul 03, 2020
Business Garden Riga

On July 3rd over 100 AmCham members and guests celebrated the 244th Anniversary of U.S. Independence with an outdoor drive-in movie night screening Patriot's Day at the new office building campus Business Garden Riga. The event was kicked off with opening remarks by U.S. Ambassador in Latvia John L. Carwile and President of AmCham Zinta Jansons.

This year AmCham hosted a slightly different kind of event from its traditional outdoor picnic to mark the U.S. Independence Day offering a screening of an American movie Patriot's Day provided by Movies on Wheels.

According to Ambassador Carwile, "The U.S. Independence Day is an opportunity to remember the American revolutionaries who have inspired millions of people around the world over the last 244 years. It is also a chance to think about the idea that all people are created equal and that they have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

"The fact that we can gather here to enjoy a great Hollywood movie is a testament to Latvia's early response to the pandemic. I would like to offer my thanks to the government and the people of Latvia for their shared sacrifices to create such a safe environment," Ambassador Carwile stressed.  

Drive-in cinema dates back to the early 20th century in the United States reaching its peak popularity in the late 1950s. In response to the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, drive-in movies have made a comeback gathering audiences around the world, including Latvia. 

In addition to watching the film, guests were treated to a choice of American classics: ice-cream from Ben & Jerry's, popcorn from Business Garden Riga and Forum Cinemas, burgers from McDonald's and donuts from Reaton.

The event was supported by AbbVieBen & Jerry'sBusiness Garden RigaCido GroupForum CinemasInternational School of LatviaMcDonaldsPrintifyRadisson Blu Elizabete HotelReaton Department of Food sales and Riga Graduate School of Law.



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I look forward to promoting stronger U.S.-Latvia ties and working with AmCham members to ensure Latvia is a trusted destination for international business.

John Tully, Chairman of the Board of MikroTik

AmCham provides S3 a great opportunity to connect with business community.

Agne Stojakove, Market Vice President, Country Manager Strategic, Staffing Solutions International