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Armed and ready in the battle of disinformation?

Apr 30, 2019
Grand Palace Hotel, Pils 12
Do we ever take a moment to consider how the digital age has transformed information flow? It is dramatically changing ways how societies perceive and consume news, make decisions and interact, presenting various opportunities and new challenges.

While adjusting to new global realities, foreign interference in recent elections around the globe, continues to disrupt the international order through far-reaching disinformation and influence campaigns in the digital environment.

To discuss these important issues members joined a breakfast meeting with Janis Sarts, Director of the NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence on April 30 at the Grand Palace Hotel.

Mr. Sarts addressed members on the impact of disinformation on businesses and the society. According to Mr. Sarts, digitalization has brought a major shift in how information is consumed highlighting human vulnerabilities. The digital ecosystem poses new threats from faking your online presence to stealing your personal and company data. Recommended actions? 1) Be aware of security risks and prepare an adequate regulatory framework, 2) Think of data as a powerful tool and know who has what access to your personal and corporate data, 3) Call for building of more resilient systems and address the growing gap between the rapidly evolving technological development and its governance.
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