We are very pleased to be part of AmCham and are looking forward to driving innovation forward in Latvia.
Mikko Fernström, General Manager, Biogen Latvia
On November 16, 24 representatives of Joint Foreign Chambers Tourism Working Group consisting of American (AmCham), Norwegian(NCCL) and the Swedish (SCCL) Chambers of Commerce in Latvia gathered at the Ministry of Economics to discuss the strategy for Latvia's tourism development. During the meeting w/g members vere briefed on the new tourism strategy of Latvia, followed by a discussion. The members were mostly interested in the involvement of business representatives, when setting the strategic course, some of the practical implications of the introduced marketing guidelines, as well as other questions.
It was agreed that the next meeting will take place in December to follow up the discussion on the marketing plan, new branding “Magnetic Latvia”, the updates from the advisory board and the involvement of the private industry representatives.
Being part of AmCham community brings valuable networking opportunities in different business areas as well as informal connections within Business After Hours.
Janis Zigurs, Business Manager Baltics & Iceland at Kenvue