Being part of AmCham community brings valuable networking opportunities in different business areas as well as informal connections within Business After Hours.
Janis Zigurs, Business Manager Baltics & Iceland at Kenvue
On May 12, AmCham Latvia hosted another educational webinar in Connect with AmCham series on the newly introduced Code of Corporate Governance in Latvia with experts who have particiationed in the creation of this code:
The concept of good corporate governance refers to the processes that contribute to the efficiency of a company’s operations and its increase in value over the long term.
So far in Latvia the principles of good corporate governance applied mainly to listed or public companies. Now the new Code targets all businesses operating in our country with an aim to promote good corporate governance throughout the business community.
Why does good corporate governance matter? Is good corporate governance expensive? What’s in it for me? And finally, how will the principles of good corporate governance lead my business to the long-term success? These and other questions were discussed during the webinar.
To learn more about the Code of Corporate Goverance
Connect with AmCham webinars aim to share knowledge of our members, as we navigate through the COVID-19 crisis. If you would like to share best practices in your area of expertise that could be helpful for the international business community, we are here to listen and learn from you!
AmCham is a 'must-join' organization for any company of scope or international ambition.
Karlis Cerbulis, Senior Vice President of NCH Advisors, Inc.