AmCham is a place to meet representatives of other industries and understand the business environment.
Signe Velina, Market Access Manager Latvia of Johnson & Johnson
On January 29, AmCham Board and Staff came together for a semi-annual strategic meeting to discuss the Chamber's direction and priorities for 2024.
The policy priorities will include:
1) Fostering trade and investment between Latvia and the U.S., raising awareness of economic opportunities between the two countries, and promoting Latvia as a U.S. investment destination to foster Latvia's economic security; 2) Improving the business and investment climate in Latvia with a focus on easing tax burden for foreign private investors, digital transition and increasing national competitiveness;
3) Enhancing Latvia’s human capital with a focus on upskilling, the future of work and talent attraction as well as supporting Latvia’s healthcare policy improvements based on international best practices and innovation.
The Board meets twice a year outside its monthly meetings for a focused, strategic session to set the future direction and review the Chamber's performance.
AmCham works hard to accomplish its goals and is a voice in the business community that is heard.
Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins