Membership is an attestation that we belong to the modern Latvian business community.
Dace Silava-Tomsone, Managing Partner, COBALT
Be a part of change and get involved in Future Changemakers Academy.
Our member Riga Business School (RBS) has requested support from our members in making their Future Changemakers Academy a success. The Future Changemakers Academy will be aimed at developing leadership skills of secondary school students. The focus will be on incentivizing students to choose careers in FinTech, HealthTech and GreenTech. RBS is looking for supporters to contribute with their expertise, knowledge and financial support. If you have any questions, please reach out to directly.
For more information please click HERE
I would highly recommend membership to other professionals looking to expand their business connections.
Gundars Ziemanis, Latvia branch Country Manager, Siemens Healthineers