
“Idea day” conference in Riga Business School

Mar 18, 2024

On March 14, the second “Idea day” conference in Riga Bussines School gathered more than 100 teachers and school management, providing a platform and experts to learn the most relevant skills for the meaningful use and teaching of technology in schools. Teachers and school management teams had the opportunity to enhance their digital competences through 14 different workshops, as well as discussions on methods, solutions and experiences.

Thanks to the great response of last year’s computer science, programming, design and technology teachers to the inspiring experience of “Idea Day”, the need to integrate the use of technology in other subjects and the event’s supporters, Riga Business School as a department of Riga Technical University once again organised the “Idea Day” conference this year, bringing together companies with excellent technology practices and teacher from Latvia to provide them with practical skills and promote the overall technological development of schools.

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AmCham provides S3 a great opportunity to connect with business community.

Agne Stojakove, Market Vice President, Country Manager Strategic, Staffing Solutions International

I look forward to promoting stronger U.S.-Latvia ties and working with AmCham members to ensure Latvia is a trusted destination for international business.

John Tully, Chairman of the Board of MikroTik