
International sanctions against Russia and Belarus explained

Mar 17, 2022

On March 17, the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with Finance Latvia Association, Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, Foreign Investors Council in Latvia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Financial Intelligence Unit, Financial and Capital Markets Commission, State Revenue Service and KPMG Baltics organized a business webinar aimed at general awareness raising and increased understanding of the international sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus.

You are welcome to revisit the event below:

Numerous experts joined the webinar:

  • Sabīne Janisela, Head of Sanctions Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia.
  • Kristaps Markovskis, Director of Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Department, Financial and Capital Market Commission.
  • Igors Petrovs, Board Member at BlueOrange Bank and Head of International Sanctions Working Group at Finance Latvia Association.
  • Paulis Iļjenkovs, Deputy Head of Strategic Analysis Division, Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia.
  • Astra Kaļāne, Director of Direct Tax Department, Ministry of Finance.
  • Andrejs Birums, Deputy Director of Direct Tax Department, Ministry of Finance.
  • Atis Pīlāts, Head of Risk Management Division, National Customs Board, State Revenue Service.
  • Ilona Stipina, Head of Customs Clearance Control Division, National Customs Board, State Revenue Service.
  • Saiva Krastiņa, Sanctions Officer at Citadele banka and Representative at International Sanctions Working Group at Finance Latvia Association.
  • Edvards Grasis, Head of Risk Consulting Department, KPMG Latvia.
  • Rūta Beirote, Lursoft Corporate Client Manager and AmCham member.

The event was moderated by Laima Letiņa, Advisor at Finance Latvia Association.

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