
LightSpace Technologies joins AmCham

Dec 29, 2020
LightSpace Technologies, global leaders in multi-focal accommodating 3D AR headsets and glasses free future 3D image displays, has joined the Chamber as a Small Business member.

LightSpace Technologies is 3D optical solutions company developing key enabling technologies for Multi Focal Accommodating AR headsets and future glasses free 3D image displays. It is jointly owned by a group of a finance investors and EMS company HansaMatrix AS. It's mission is to create key enabling technologies that visualizes 3D images, naturally accommodate human vision system and without harm to eyes can be used for long periods by professionals or consumers.

The key use areas for 3D image technologies are: professional, scientific, medical data 3D visualization (real-time 3D microscopy, image guided surgery , diagnostics, e.a.), airspace and mission control with 3D visualization of control objects in relation to Geo-spatial 3D information; command and control systems of complex 3D environments, car wind-screen 3D heads up displays (HUD), gaming and augmented reality 3D headsets.

In the Chamber it will be represented by Ilmars Osmanis, CEO and Strategic visionary.

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Baltik Elektro


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Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins

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Dace Silava-Tomsone, Managing Partner, COBALT