I would highly recommend membership to other professionals looking to expand their business connections.
Gundars Ziemanis, Latvia branch Country Manager, Siemens Healthineers
Although this year has been undoubtedly difficult, we are grateful to our community for being so resilient and supportive amid current challenges and uncertainty.
In 2022 we held over 40 events with 100+ speakers attended by more than 3100 participants. We released 4 position papers on balancing tax burden for foreign investors, Value-Based Healthcare in Latvia, sustainable investments in healthcare and investment attraction and human capital development. We promoted the Three Seas Initiative and held the Pan-Baltic Conference in Riga along with AmChams in Estonia and Lithuania. We welcomed 26 new members to our community.
It has been a privilege to work with all of you and we look forward to continuing our partnership in 2022!
Through two charity evetns we raised over €4300 benefiting our principal charities: Bezvests.lv, Children's Hospital Foundation, Latvian Foster Family Association, Pink Train Foundation, RMHC Latvija and SOS Children’s Villages. As a result of members' donations the charities will be able to promote healthy development of Latvia's children and their rights to grow up in a family environment as well as support women who are affected by breast cancer and families of missing people. Let's continue to support them throughout 2023!
Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous New Year!
AmCham provides S3 a great opportunity to connect with business community.
Agne Stojakove, Market Vice President, Country Manager Strategic, Staffing Solutions International