
Leadership training for young people

Dec 04, 2014

A new leadership initiative, "Leadership and motivation: Opportunities for young people under guardianship" is designed for new and emerging leaders from foster care, and other young people who want to reach new levels in their personal development, improving and developing their abilities. The training program consists of practical and theoretical lessons, based on the adventure methods of learning by doing. The Latvian Foster Family Association in collaboration with the Society of Adventurers "Adventure Spirit" implemented this new initiative. The project was financially supported by CEMEX.

The main activity of the initiative focused on a 3-day off-site seminar on "Leadership and Motivation" held from October 30th to November 1st in Kegums County, Birzgale farmhouse "Rites".

The event took place in Kegums County, at the Birzgale farmhouse "Rites". The project involved 25 young people, of which 15 come from foster families and 10  come from biological families.

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