Past events

Prioritizing the human capital development

May 18, 2023
Pullman Riga Old Town Hotel, Jekaba 24

On May 18, AmCham held a Thought Leaders Series event with Anda Caksa, Minister of Education and Science, attended by our Corporate Contributing members and Labor Force work group representatives. The Minister outlined her priorities and the government’s plans with regard to upskilling or reskilling the existing workforce and ways to promote a culture of cooperation between universities and the industry to lessen the mismatch between the quality of education received and labor market demands.

The discussion was moderated by Ieva Racenaja, Vice President of AmCham and Director of Riga Graduate School of Law.

The event took place within our Thought Leaders Series, a program designed exclusively for the top management of our Corporate Contributing members bringing together leaders to exchange views on various issues critical for their business. 

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VA Government Rud Pedersen Group


AmCham works hard to accomplish its goals and is a voice in the business community that is heard.

Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins

Roche Latvija is pleased to be part of the AmCham community.

Rauls Vēliņš, General Manager, Roche Latvija