Past events

World Latvian Economics and Innovations Forum

Nov 19, 2020

The World Federation of Free Latvians organized an online World Latvian Economics and Innovations Forum (WLEIF) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia on November 19.

Since 2013, WLEIF events have continued their evolution to become a recognised and highly valued global gathering of Latvians and supporters of Latvian economic and business development.

The forum reviewed the progress of initiatives from the last year's WLEIF in Valmiera, such as Latvia's identity in the world of international business. Various experts offered insights into the strategies of Latvia's post-COVID economic recovery, The Three Seas Initiative and the European Green Deal. 

AmCham was represented in the forum by several members speaking at various sessions: Normunds Bergs, CEO of SAF Tehnika; Pauls Miklasevics, AmCham Vice President and Ivars Slokenbergs Attorney-at-Law and Founder, Slokenbergs PLLC.

The keynote speaches were given by: Egils Levits, The President of the Republic of Latvia and Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In addition, Andris Rubīns CEO, Managing Partner, NORD DDB Riga gave a presentation on "Update on Brand Latvia - Creating the Unified Concept".

During the forum three panel discussions were dedicated to the following themes:

  • Latvia's Road Map to Post-Covid Economic Recovery
  • The Three Seas Initiative: What it Means for Latvia and the Baltic Region
  • Capitalising on Europe's Green Energy Transition
The forum aims at facilitating knowledge exchange and practical interaction between business professionals in Latvia and elsewhere in the world.

World Latvian Economics and Innovations Forum (WLEIF) is organizing the Forum in cooperatopm with AmCham Latvia, The ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Latvia’s Investment and Development Agency (LIAA), The Red Jackets and The Gateway Partners. 

Revisit the event here!

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Novartis Baltics


AmCham works hard to accomplish its goals and is a voice in the business community that is heard.

Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins

We are very pleased to be part of AmCham and are looking forward to driving innovation forward in Latvia.

Mikko Fernström, General Manager, Biogen Latvia