Upcoming events

Business After Hours hosted by Wellton Riverside SPA Hotel

Sep 05 from 18:30 till 21:00
Wellton Riverside SPA Hotel, 11. Novembra krastmala 33
Sign up

We hope you all had a refreshing summer break. We are delighted to welcome you to our first member event this season - Business After Hours hosted by our new member Mogotel Hotel Group on Thursday, September 5, 18:30 at Wellton Riverside SPA Hotel, 11.Novembra krastmala 33.

Do not miss the opportunity to meet your fellow members and network!

Admission is complimentary and available for AmCham members only, but registration is required.  Please register below.

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By signing up for the event I give my consent for storing my contact details in AmCham database as well as taking photos and videos at AmCham events to be used and published on social media platforms and website of AmCham and its partners in case of joint events.

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VA Government Rud Pedersen Group


AmCham is a 'must-join' organization for any company of scope or international ambition.

Karlis Cerbulis, Senior Vice President of NCH Advisors, Inc.

Roche Latvija is pleased to be part of the AmCham community.

Rauls Vēliņš, General Manager, Roche Latvija