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Exploring new premises of exprienced lawyers office COBALT

Jan 25, 2017 from 18:30 till 21:00
Marijas 13, K-2
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More than 30 AmCham members attended the first Business After Hours in 2017 organized by COBALT. The event took place on January 25 at COBALT office (Marijas Street 13, K-2).

The opening of the event was followed by a brief presentation by Ingrida Karina-Berzina, Partner of COBALT on Intellectual Property Rights. The program also included office tour, traditional raffle, refreshments and networking.


COBALT is AmCham Corporate Contributing Member. The company is a closely integrated alliance of top-tier law offices accross the Baltics and Belarus. The team of 180 experienced lawyers offers leading-edge legal solutions in all key areas of business law. Recent international recognitions of COBALT offices include Chambers Europe Award for Excellence 2016 "Baltic Law Firm of the Year", and International Financial Law Review's Law Firm of the Year 2016 award for the Baltic Region. To learn more about COBALT, please click here.

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MARS Latvia


AmCham is a place to meet representatives of other industries and understand the business environment.

Signe Velina, Market Access Manager Latvia of Johnson & Johnson

Roche Latvija is pleased to be part of the AmCham community.

Rauls Vēliņš, General Manager, Roche Latvija