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Celebrating 95th Anniversary of LETA

Mar 27, 2014 from 18:30 till 21:00

Members were invited to the March Business After Hours hosted by LETA. This year the news agency LETA celebrates 95th Anniversary and members had an exclusive opportunity to hear the story of LETA from the Co-owner and CEO of the agency Martins Barkans.

In addition to the historical insight members were introduced to the backstage of politics and economics by journalist  Juris Kaža, the author of LETA`s weekly news analysis and commentary Latvian Insights, who received his education in the United States and has worked in Germany and Sweden.

After diving into the history of LETA members had an opportunity to win additional prize for filling the quiz about LETA. Being served was a delicious food from the restaurant Valters and a wide variety of drinks graciously provided by the local wine brewery Abava.

Lucky winners got the door prizes from the brewery Abava, restaurant Valters and DVD of Latvian National Song and Dance Festival.

Thank you to the entire team of LETA for hosting such a great event.
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