Membership is an attestation that we belong to the modern Latvian business community.
Dace Silava-Tomsone, Managing Partner, COBALT
The Riga Business School team, represented by Justin Bancroft and Denis Gorshkov won the title of the Best Chili in Riga 2022 for La Cocina Colorado chili. The Riga Graduate School of Law team (Kriss Elerts and Alise Podniece) received the most votes from attendees and won the People's Choice Award for the Chili can Law.
The second place was awarded to Annie Bea’s Chili team represented by John Tully and Laura Dabare for Annie Bea’s Chili. Your Favorite Chili team represented by Pauls Miklasevics and Agnese Lace with Hog Town Delight received the third place.
The Riga Business School team received the title Best Chili Riga 2022 and a special Chili Pepper Award.
"It was a tough competition. But it was great to see friends and colleagues who also are chili fans. Due to the pandemic, it was the first in three years, " comments Justin Bancroft winner of the Best Chili in Riga 2022.
The jury consisted of expert chili tasters and chefs: Andrew Byrley, Economic and Commercial Officer at the U.S. Embassy, Jeffrey Grinvalds, winner of Best Chili in Riga 2019, Linda Johnson, Co-owner of Stockpotriga and Renars Purmalis, Chef of TV Show Gatavo Dabā.
5 teams participated in this year’s Cook-Off including:
The Annual Chili Cook-Off is a traditional autumn event where AmCham members and friends compete for the Best Chili in Riga award.
AmCham is a 'must-join' organization for any company of scope or international ambition.
Karlis Cerbulis, Senior Vice President of NCH Advisors, Inc.