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Positive growth for Baltic economies amid challenges

Sep 05, 2014 from 18:30 till 21:00
Nordea Bank, Kr. Valdemara 62

For the 6th consecutive year more than 70 members of the American, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish Chambers met at the Nordea bank to discuss the economic outlook for Latvia. This was a kick-off event of the fall season.

The first presentation on the latest developments in Latvia’s economy was delivered by Nordea Economist Gints Belevics. He explained that the Baltic economies continue to be among the fastest growing in the EU in 2014.  The major risk is closely tied with weaker performance of the Russian economy and the crisis in Ukraine.

Advisor to the Minister of Transport Kaspars Briskens introduced members with the major trends, challenges and future perspectives of the Latvian transport and logistics industry.

Following the presentations and Q&A, members enjoyed networking on the beautiful terrace of Nordea bank. Many thanks to the entire team of Nordea for hosting another informative and entertaining evening  with delicious wine and warm atmosphere!

To view the presentation of Kaspars Briskens.

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Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins