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Spotlight Latvia fosters trade and investment between the U.S. and Latvia

Sep 21, 2023 - Sep 22, 2023
The Westin Waltham Boston, U.S.

Focusing on Technology and Education this year's Spotlight Latvia took place on September 21-22 in Boston. It will provide a unique opportunity to welcome and meet government officials and business leaders from Latvia and the U.S.

The panel of Revolutionizing Personalized Medicine was joined by John Tully, AmCham President and CEO of MikroTik. Several AmCham members contributed to this conference by sharing their expertise, including Accenture, ERDA, Riga Stradins Unversity, Riga Business School, Roche, SAF Tehnika, Latvijas Finieris, Luminor, and Skaal. The conference is hosted by the Latvian American Chamber of Commerce and supported by MFA, LIAA, ALA, Red Jackets, and AmCham.

Among distinguished keynote speakers of the conference were President of Latvia Edgars Rinkevics, U.S. Ambassador to Latvia Christopher Robinson and Foreign Minister of Latvia Krisjanis Karins. The Ambassador spoke about ongoing cooperation to strengthen the energy sector and enhance educational ties, including in science and technology.

Ambassador Robinson: “Security is much more than military cooperation. True security needs a flourishing civil society, robust public participation, and dynamic and resilient economies. It is a national security issue to ensure your economy is diverse. Not only in markets and industries, but also in the number of international flags that are flying over your companies. I want to see more American flags flying over companies in Latvia.”


The next conference is scheduled for 2025 in Michigan.

Source and photo credit: Latvian American Chamber of Commerce

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Kyndryl Latvia


AmCham works hard to accomplish its goals and is a voice in the business community that is heard.

Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins

AmCham is a place to meet representatives of other industries and understand the business environment.

Signe Velina, Market Access Manager Latvia of Johnson & Johnson