
Annual General Meeting
Mar 20, 2014

At AmCham's 21st Annual General Meeting new board members were elected.

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What is TTIP?

Mar 17, 2014

AmCham Sweden offers a series of videos explaining TTIP and its impact on Sweden's businesses, consumers and overall economy. The Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) that is now being negotiated between the EU and U.S. is a potential global game changer.

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Ukraine aftermath
Mar 14, 2014

The Minister of Foreign Affairs addressed the current situation in Ukraine and its possible aftermath.

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Business delegation visit to the U.S.

Mar 13, 2014

The Government of Latvia led by Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma together with a business delegation will visit the United States from April 27-May 2.

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Welcome 5 new members

Mar 13, 2014

MasterCard, SEB banka, RixTrans, Tatjana Titareva and Gundars Abolins have joined the Chamber this month. Welcome to the AmCham community!

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What does TTIP mean?

Mar 13, 2014

The study on TTIP by AmChams in Europe is out, explaining its meaning: stronger economy, lower prices, benefits for large and small companies and more money in customer's pockets.

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Diversity of BAFF programs in the US

Mar 10, 2014

Apply for the BAFF programs in the US: the Professional Internship, the Research Scholar, the Baltic-American Dialogue and the Graduate Scholarship.

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SEB banka


Membership is an attestation that we belong to the modern Latvian business community.

Dace Silava-Tomsone, Managing Partner, COBALT

We re-affirm our commitment to the values that AmCham stands for and that we share.

Kārlis Danēvičs, Board member, Head of Credits and Risk at SEB Banka