Past events

Next step in healthcare
Sep 27, 2019 from 15:00 till 16:30

Members of the AmCham Healthcare work group have prepared a vision statement and certain pilot projects for sustainable reforms in healthcare benefitting everyone. Our shared vision is longer and healthier lives for our society and better patient outcomes as the ultimate goal. It will be published soon.

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Members share their feedback
Sep 27, 2019 from 12:30 till 14:00

A group of AmCham members, representing various industries, were invited for the Member Focus Lunch on September 26 to discuss their businesses and to provide feedback on AmCham activities.

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Premiere of Spēlēju, Dancoju
Sep 26, 2019 from 17:30 till 22:00

On September 26, AmCham members and friends spent an opening night of the new production of I Played, I Danced ("Spēlēju, Dancoju") by Imants Kalnins, Imants Ziedonis and Rainis at the Latvian National Opera with an exclusive reception at the Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga. 70 people attended this highly popular program.

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21 jobs of the future
Sep 24, 2019 from 18:30 till 21:00

September Business After Hours, hosted by Cognizant, offered members the chance to learn more about Cognizant's vision on the future of work. Work is changing due to automation and AI, but won't go away. Based on the major trends, Cognizant has come up with 21 new job roles that they believe will emerge over the next 10 years. Download the presentation!

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Advancing well-being, empowering others
Sep 19, 2019 from 17:00

For the 6th consecutive year the Human Development Award was hosted by AmCham Latvia, the Civic Alliance in Latvia and the U.S. Embassy in Latvia. Winners of this year's Award are: Enģeļa pasts, ĢBAC Brīnumiņš, RTU Engineering High School and SOS Children's Villages in Latvia.

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Strategic Staffing Solutions International


I would highly recommend membership to other professionals looking to expand their business connections.

Gundars Ziemanis, Latvia branch Country Manager, Siemens Healthineers

We are very pleased to be part of AmCham and are looking forward to driving innovation forward in Latvia.

Mikko Fernström, General Manager, Biogen Latvia