Past events

Healthcare work group meeting
Jan 30 from 16:00 till 17:00

On January 30, the AmCham Healthcare work group convened for its first meeting of the year. The group discussed its priorities for 2024 - sustainable healthcare financing models, digital health implementation, precision medicine development, and Value-based medical procurements. The next meeting will take place on March 4.

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Digital Affairs and AI work group meeting
Jan 30 from 12:00 till 13:00

Due to members' requests, an introductory meeting to explore the topic of Digital Affairs and AI was held on January 30. Members from various industry sectors discussed how to better address the benefits of the digital economy and AI. The group will be led by AmCham Board member Sarmis Spilbergs. All interested members are welcome to join the Work Group by contacting the AmCham office.

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AmCham Board sets the course
Jan 29 from 17:30 till 20:00

On January 29, AmCham Board and Staff came together for a semi-annual strategic meeting to discuss the Chamber's direction and priorities for 2024. The policy priorities will include: 1) Fostering trade and investment between Latvia and the U.S., and promoting Latvia as a U.S. investment destination to foster Latvia's economic security; 2) Improving the business and investment climate in Latvia; 3) Enhancing Latvia’s human capital with a focus on upskilling, the future of work and talent attraction as well as supporting Latvia’s healthcare policy improvements based on international best practices and innovation.

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Tax work group meeting
Jan 18 from 16:00 till 17:00

On January 18, the AmCham Tax work group met to discuss amendments necessary in the regulatory framework to balance the tax burden for private foreign investors. The group also discussed the review of the CIT system and decided to submit their proposals to the Ministry of Finance.

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Eversheds Sutherland Bitans


We are very pleased to be part of AmCham and are looking forward to driving innovation forward in Latvia.

Mikko Fernström, General Manager, Biogen Latvia

AmCham works hard to accomplish its goals and is a voice in the business community that is heard.

Filips Klavins, Managing Partner at Ellex Klavins