AmCham is a 'must-join' organization for any company of scope or international ambition.
Karlis Cerbulis, Senior Vice President of NCH Advisors, Inc.
A healthier population and workforce drive the economic development of the country.
In 2023, the AmCham Healthcare working group focused on the following topics:
- Digital Health Strategy and implementation
- Sustainable healthcare financing
- Value-based healthcare approach and value-based medical procurements
- Secondary health and social data legal framework
On March 21, AmCham met with Liga Mengelsone, Minister of Health to discuss healthcare issues, including proactively supporting healthcare and human capital policy improvements as the basis for further economic growth.
On November 1, AmCham together with the Saeima, Parliament of Latvia held a conference on Human Capital as key to Economic Growth to discuss how to promote investments in Latvia’s human capital in order to accelerate the growth of the national economy.
In 2022 AmCham held a series of events aimed at raising awareness of value-based procurement in Latvian hospitals.
AmCham co-signed a memorandum to enhance the implementation of the digital health ecosystem in Latvia along with the Ministry of Health, National Health Service, and other organizations. To view the memorandum (in Latvian).
On May 11, AmCham released a position on sustainable healthcare financing by proposing to align healthcare funding to the EU average to ensure improved patient care and introduce a value-based healthcare financing model and integrated healthcare approach. To view the position in Latvian and English.
On May 2, AmCham in cooperation with the Institute of Public Health of Riga Stradins University released a White paper on Value-based healthcare (VBHC). The launch event included the presentation of the document and a discussion among stakeholders. By summarizing best international practices and terminology, the White paper aims to improve the existing model of healthcare delivery and organization. View the executive summary in Latvian and English.
On November 26, the Chamber held the second annual Health Data Summit Riga to support the digital transformation of healthcare in the benefit of a patient that was organized in close partnership with the Ministry of Health and National Health Service. The summit highlighted a myriad of inspirational health innovations and discussed ways to foster public-private partnerships that can enable the acceptance of digital solutions. To revisit the summit!
On October 7, AmCham released a position calling for sustainable investments in healthcare to ensure a healthy nation and economic growth. We propose to increase public funding for healthcare by considering linking the healthcare budget to the GDP growth as well as providing the necessary funding for the fight with oncological diseases. To view the position statement Latvian and the executive summary in English.
Based on our vision statement on Vision statement on Latvian healthcare, the Healthcare work group is focusing on carrying out five projects:
On November 26, AmCham together with the Ministry of Health and the National Health Service held the first Health Data Summit Riga that raised the much-needed debate about data usage in healthcare. Thanks to the extensive inspiration and knowledge gained during the summit a roadmap for digital health strategy will be created. At the conference leading international experts highlighted the importance of data quality and explored ways to implement digital health data strategy in healthcare policymaking. Revisit the summit!
AmCham and PwC share the same values and targets to achieve socially.
Zlata Elksnina-Zascirinska, Country Managing Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers