
54 421 EUR collected for the Alliance against Corruption

Apr 16, 2018
On December 5th, 2017 AmCham Latvia decided to support the Alliance against Corruption in Latvia, an anit-corruption alliance initiated by Transparency International Latvia/Delna. AmCham was among the first of the business community to be on board with this initiative. Substantial support for the Alliance comes from members of civil society and the law enforcement agencies of Latvia.

In early December, when they presented the concept to the Board of AmCham, 7000 EUR had been subscribed. As of April 16th, the sum stands at 54 421 EUR, of which 6500 EUR have been contributed by 3 members of AmCham. Their goal is to raise 60 000 EUR by April 30th and 126 000 EUR by mid-June.

The Alliance respectfully request other members of AmCham to join their colleagues, so that together they achieve their goal.

The Alliance against Corruption in Latvia is now actively seeking someone to head up the Alliance and begin implementing its plans; they are also actively participating in developing the Whistleblower Legislation, which has finally reached the committee stage of the Saeima; additionally, the OECD has expressed interest in the Alliance.

Please consider supporting the Alliance in one of the sponsorship categories below:

Supporter (EUR 250) - Champion (EUR 500) - Patron (EUR 1000) - Grand Patron (EUR 2000)

Donation details:
Sabiedrība par atklātību "Delna"
Registration Nr. 40008037054
SEB banka account: LV55UNLA0055000577520
Swedbank account: LV56HABA0552044893970
Purpose: Alianse pret korupciju Latvijā/Alliance against corruption in Latvia

If you are willing to get involved or support this initiative financially, please contact us by e-mail: Note that Delna is a non-profit charitable organization.

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We are very pleased to be part of AmCham and are looking forward to driving innovation forward in Latvia.

Mikko Fernström, General Manager, Biogen Latvia

AmCham is a place to meet representatives of other industries and understand the business environment.

Signe Velina, Market Access Manager Latvia of Johnson & Johnson