
Welcome new member - LFAF

Aug 03, 2015

Latvian Federation of American football (LFAF) has joined the Chamber this month. Welcome to AmCham!

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Coca-Cola employees clean the beach in Engure

Jul 31, 2015

Coca-Cola HBC Latvia continued cooperation with the World Wildlife Fund Latvia with a cleaning campaign in Engure nature park in Kurzeme region "Clean the Beach".

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57 000 EUR raised for children in Ukraine

Jul 30, 2015

57 000 EUR were fundraised in the campaign "Children of War" in support of Ukrainian children who have suffered from the horror of war. Our member Skrivanek Baltic provided free translations of informative materials in several languages for the campaign.

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Baltic States - CEE region leaders in FDI

Jul 24, 2015

According to the European attractiveness survey by EY, the Baltic States are ahead of the rest of Europe with the number of new jobs created by foreign investors up by 12%.

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DEAC launches Server Clusters solution

Jul 22, 2015

DEAC has launched a Server Clusters solution, which best suits high-loaded IT projects.

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EC Vice President Dombrovskis discusses eurozone challenges
Jul 20, 2015

Our top-tier members met with Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice President of the European Commission for Euro and Social Dialogue to discuss plans to strengthen the Eruopean Monetary Union and overcome current challenges.

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Many ways to help SOS community

Jul 20, 2015

SOS Childrens' Villages in Latvia have completed several projects and activities with the generous support of AmCham members. Children had a chance to play sports and games with Microsoft and AON teams. CBRE established sandplay therapy room for SOS children in Islice. With the support of SEB bank the campaign "Because he/she has YOU" was held this spring and summer, encouraging regular contributions to SOS families.

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Russian version of created

Jul 15, 2015

Skrivanek Baltic participated in the creation of the Russian language version of the website

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Expat professionals ready to foster Latvia’s economy
Jul 09, 2015 - Jul 10, 2015

This year WLEIF brought together around 300 participants from 17 countries and was seen online by people from nearly 40 countries. AmCham was among the partners of WLEIF 2015 holding a session on doing business with North America.

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Cargo transportation Survey

Jul 09, 2015

AECOM and KPMG on behalf of Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia are conducting a survey about the modes of transport currently used for moving freight to/ from or through Latvia.

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Citadele banka


We re-affirm our commitment to the values that AmCham stands for and that we share.

Kārlis Danēvičs, Board member, Head of Credits and Risk at SEB Banka

Roche Latvija is pleased to be part of the AmCham community.

Rauls Vēliņš, General Manager, Roche Latvija