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Developing math minds

Sep 04, 2020

Over the past decade, the American educational organization Khan Academy has transformed how millions of students perceive and approach math. Believing in the crucial role of math in the development of ICT leaders, the IT Education Foundation in Latvia has recently begun the adoption of a demo version of Khan Academy in Latvian. The foundation is now looking for companies who share their belief and would be ready to invest in this education project.

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Helping children and health professionals

Sep 04, 2020

During these turbulent times Novartis Baltics has given back to society by providing regular delivery of warm food to the Center of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases as well as by helping organize summer camps for children and Children's Foundation of Latvia.

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SEB Growth Program open for applications

Aug 03, 2020

Continuing the success of Growth Program, SEB bank welcomes applications from companies dedicated to business improvement. This time the program will take place virtually and participation in the program is free of charge. The purpose of the program is to prepare small and medium-sized (SME) companies for rapid growth through digital technologies and innovations. During three months, local and international experts and mentors help companies identify new business opportunities, create and test new business models and prepare a six-month action plan to reach their goals. SMEs are invited to apply by September 25, 2020.

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What measures Latvia has implemented to fight the COVID-19 crisis?

Jul 16, 2020

Read the latest VA Goverment report on political and policy developments in Latvia. Key topics include the measures implemented in Latvia to fight the COVID-19 crisis, administrative-territorial reform, and insight into the European Commission’s Farm to Fork Strategy that aims to make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly.

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Microsoft launches global skills initiative

Jul 01, 2020

This summer Microsoft launched an initiative to help 25 million people worldwide acquire the digital skills needed in a COVID-19 economy. This initiative will bring together every part of their company, combining existing and new resources from LinkedIn, GitHub, and Microsoft. It will be grounded in 3 areas of activity: the use of data to identify in-demand jobs and the skills, free access to learning paths and content to help people develop the skills and low-cost certifications and free job-seeking tools to help people.

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SEB, Swedbank, RISEBA, Cognizant & Latvia Tours named most sustainable companies

Jun 16, 2020

The following members have been recognized by the Sustainability Index 2020: SEB Banka and Swedbank achieved Platinum, RISEBA - Silver, Cognizant and Latvia Tours - Bronze. This year, SEB bank received the highest total rating in its participation history - 96.4%. The Institute for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility has been evaluating corporate sustainability and responsibility of companies in Latvia for the 11th year. The Sustainability Index evaluates company's real activity and openness to communicate with different stakeholders.

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AmCham raises over €3800 for charities

Dec 16, 2019

In 2019 we have raised more than EUR 3800 for charities:, Latvian Foster Family Association, RMHC Latvija Care Mobile, SOS Children's Villages and Pink Train Foundation. As a result many children in Latvia will be able to receive free healthcare services and family-based support. Women affected by breast cancer will get help of psychologist or a psychotherapist and it will help families of missing people.

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Donate office space for charity

Dec 13, 2019, the only volunteer organization providing missing persons search in Latvia, is ready to resume the 116 000 hotline service for missing children and therefore is looking for office space in Latvia. If you have empty commercial office, consider donating it to a good cause rather than leaving it unused.

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Advancing well-being, empowering others

Dec 13, 2019

For the 6th consecutive year the Human Development Award was hosted by AmCham Latvia, the Civic Alliance in Latvia and the U.S. Embassy in Latvia. 2019 Award Winners include: Enģeļa pasts, ĢBAC Brīnumiņš, RTU Engineering High School and SOS Children's Villages in Latvia. The Human Development Award is presented to honor inspiring people and organizations who voluntary contribute their time, work and effort for the society growth and development.

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Brighter holidays for kids in foster care

Dec 05, 2019

The holiday season is fulfilled with festivities and fun for most children. You can make holidays brighter for foster children by providing them with presents. The Latvian Foster Family Association is looking for donations for their annual Christmas & New Year celebration event in January 2020. Welcome are books, games, food or sweets and/or financial donation to support the activities of the Foster Families Association.

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Eversheds Sutherland Bitans


AmCham and PwC share the same values and targets to achieve socially.

Zlata Elksnina-Zascirinska, Country Managing Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers

I look forward to promoting stronger U.S.-Latvia ties and working with AmCham members to ensure Latvia is a trusted destination for international business.

John Tully, Chairman of the Board of MikroTik