I would highly recommend membership to other professionals looking to expand their business connections.
Gundars Ziemanis, Latvia branch Country Manager, Siemens Healthineers
Since 2011, RMHC Latvija has provided more than 40 000 free medical consultations for children in Latvia with the help of Care Mobile and a dedicated team of more than 25 doctors. This year alone over 4000 visits have been arranged. Donations are the only income for RMHC Latvija, therefore every single donation is of great importance to maintain regular medical check-ups to minimize the risk that diseases and conditions are not being diagnosed and treated early enough, or at all.
Read all >During 2020 the Pink Train Foundation has continued to provide support for women in Latvia diagnosed with breast cancer, covering the costs of counselling following diagnosis and during treatment and/or physiotherapy. The Foundation's only income is through donations and all donations big or small will be greatly appreciated so that it can continue its mission of raising support and awareness.
Read all >The Latvian Foster Family Association, who takes regular care of more than 193 families raising 405 children in different regions of Latvia, is organizing a campaign "Christmas Angels" and is looking for donations to support the children in foster care. By becoming a donating angel you will help bring Christmas joy to children in need.
Read all >We invite you to support BEZVESTS.LV the only volunteer organization providing missing persons search in Latvia since 2009. 130 people including alive persons and human remains have been found in more than 1381 search operations. Currently BEZVESTS.LV is looking for a financial support to obtain a special underwater sonar equipment that would help detect human remains in water.
Read all >On September 15, Swedbank launched a co-creation space "Startup House" at TechHub Riga premises. It is the second co-creation office Swedbank has opened for startups where innovative ideas, enterprising people and new technologies connect with experience and access to international markets.
Read all >The Care Mobile, who suspended its operations during the lockdown, is working at the full capacity again and has already made 67 visits and provided 2460 medical consultations to children in need. Currently, the Care Mobile in cooperation with Rimi Baltija is holding a charity campaign with donation boxes being distributed in all Rimi Hypermarkets. The Care Mobile brings specialists from the Children's Clinical University Hospital to children, especially, in rural areas where they lack access to primary medical care. The Care Mobile's mission is to get doctors near children's homes to provide free medical consultations and improve the health of children.
Read all >During 2020 the Pink Train Foundation has continued to provide support for women in Latvia diagnosed with breast cancer, covering the costs of counselling following diagnosis and during treatment and/or physiotherapy. This year also saw the launch of a new breast health awareness campaign, which recently received GOLD in the category of online advertising at the Baltic Best 2020 awards. Due to Covid-19 imposed restrictions the number of breast cancer patients the Foundation has helped so far this year has dropped slightly, but in general the number of women applying for help is on the rise. The Foundation will welcome any support, particularly financial.
Read all >BEZVESTS.LV, the only volunteer organization providing missing persons search in Latvia since 2009, is looking for donations for search operations and volunteers' education. Despite the complicated situation, they have organized around 35 search operations this year, and are looking to do some more. Currently BEZVESTS.LV is looking for a special underwater sonar equipment that would help find human remains in water. The sonar equipment successfully used in underwater search operations before is not always available, therefore either in-kind or financial support to obtain this much needed equipment will be appreciated.
Read all >The Latvian Foster Family Association , who takes regular care of more than 200 families raising 356 children in different regions of Latvia, is looking for donations to organize a trip to a museum or facilitate an outdoor activity for foster families during this autumn.
Read all >SOS Children's Villages Latvia is grateful to many supporters, including AmCham members Bite Latvija, Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel, Radisson Blu Latvia Conference & Spa Hotel and all other friendly companies who found a way to make kids happy when starting their new school year. SOS Children's' Villages would be thankful to receive any monetary donation in the future. You can also consider becoming a regular supporter of SOS children.
Read all >Roche Latvija is pleased to be part of the AmCham community.
Rauls Vēliņš, General Manager, Roche Latvija